Local Remote Tech support for Businesses and their teams.
Secure and keep your data safe.

Empower your company culture with our services, helping you build, grow, and expand.
Retain and engage your employees.

We are immersed in the Blue Ocean of IT, IoT, AI, and Machine Learning.
Let us know your ideas, and we will make them a reality.


Question yourself. Am I ready for DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION?

Most professional HOME BUILDERS, LANDSCAPERS, GARDENERS, FARMERS, and HOME CONTRACTORS think of their website as a business card or an online brochure; just a quick sales line and a place to put their phone number. But we know it can be so much more. Your website can show off your very best, beautiful, professional, and unique work, can help turn your happy customers into your biggest partners and collaborators, and can help you generate more of the kinds of work you actually want or can manage. Your website is the door that you and your team have to OPEN and CLOSE every day. Or the smart light system that goes ON and OFF depending on the way that you set it up.

Hernani D.G.

Project Manager/IT Consultant

I oversee all sales and marketing efforts within Astuto Technologies. I have 20+ years of experience in technology services with SMBs. Over the past seven years, I have researched and worked in the Green, Hospitality, Events, Food, Construction, Cyber Security, Fire Protection, Burglary and Home Service industries in Eastern Massachusetts, where I live. From my years of experience, employees, customers' experiences, and customer service are the three pillars of a transformed service company. In my off time, I love being out, riding my bike, kayaking, land paddle boarding, reading, mixing music and cooking healthy and nutritious food.

Luis Brea

Software Developer/Web Designer

My name is Luis Brea, I am a web and software developer; I received my education in Web & Interactive Media and completed HTML and PHP courses at the Technological Institute of the Americas(ITLAS). I aim to ensure you are satisfied and conform with our services. Aside from subcontracting with Astuto Technologies, I founded the Dominican Free Software Foundation (FSLD.org), where I promote the use of specific programs and the training of the people in the Dominican Republic. I am constantly developing an Invoicing and accounting software. FacturaSimple.com In my off time, I love being with my family, riding my bike, going to concerts, and cooking at home.